Greytown Football Club was registered as an Incorporated Society on 28-Sep-2009. As an incorporated society, our club is a legal entity that has been registered under the New Zealand's Incorporated Societies Act 1908. This means that the club has a formal governance structure in place that is responsible for managing the affairs of the club. The club's rules, objectives, and activities are defined in its constitution, which outlines the powers and duties of its officers and members. The incorporation also provides the club with various benefits, such as limited liability and the ability to enter into contracts and own property in its own name.

Under the clubs constitution the Committee is formed is each year at the Annual General Meeting and is basically given the power to run the club on a day to day basis in line with the objectives of the club that are set out in the constitution. The committee consists of; President, Treasurer, Secretary, and at least 2 other committee members. All committee roles are filled annually at the Annual General Meeting by way of majority vote. Any member of the club is eligable to serve on the committee.​​​​​​​

The 2025 Committee members are:

President - Julian Downs
Secretary - James Elliot
Treasurer - Stuart Patterson
Pavilion & Grounds Lead - Andy Quin
Equipment Manager - Malcolm Henderson
Member - Joshua Thompson
Junior Club President & Member - Gary Hewson
Member - Lily Mcsporran
Member (Club communications) - Prakash Chhetri

All club members are welcome to come along to committee meetings, in 2025 committee meetings will be held 7pm at the South Wairarapa Workingmens Club on the following dates:​​​​​​​

  • 24 Feb
  • 24 March
  • 28 April
  • 26 May
  • 23 June
  • 28 July
  • 25 August
  • 22 September
  • 27 October

If there are items you like the commitee to consider or discuss please email at least 3 days in advance. Also note that if there are agenda items of a personal nature or commercial in confidence, members may be asked to sit out while those mattes are resolved.


The purpose of the Greytown Football Club Committee is to work collaboratively and ensure the smooth running of our club. Psychological safety, where every member feels safe to take interpersonal risks by speaking up, is at the heart of effective and healthy team dynamics. As committee members, it is our responsibility to ensure a respectful and constructive environment.

1. Respect and Integrity

  • Always communicate with fellow members in a respectful and courteous manner, irrespective of disagreements.
  • Avoid derogatory comments, insults, or disparaging remarks.
  • Maintain a high standard of integrity and professional conduct.

2. Constructive Communication

  • Foster open dialogue and actively listen to others' opinions.
  • Address issues or concerns in a constructive manner, focusing on the subject at hand rather than making personal attacks.
  • Use "I" statements to express personal feelings and avoid making generalizing statements.

3. Psychological Safety

  • Ensure an environment where every member feels safe expressing their views without fear of retribution or humiliation.
  • Encourage questions, curiosity, and the sharing of ideas.
  • Recognize and celebrate the diversity of opinions as a strength of our committee.

4. Conflict Resolution

  • Approach disagreements with an aim to understand, rather than to win.
  • If a discussion escalates, take a break and return to the topic later or involve a neutral third party for mediation.
  • Respect the final decisions made by the committee, even if individual views differ.

5. Confidentiality

  • Protect the confidential information of the committee, club members, and related parties.
  • Avoid discussing internal committee disputes in public or with club members.

6. Professional Growth and Development

  • Be open to feedback and continuously look for opportunities to grow and improve.
  • Regularly participate in training or workshops focused on team dynamics, communication, and psychological safety.

7. Responsibility and Accountability

  • Accept responsibility for individual actions and words.
  • If a breach of this code occurs, address it promptly and work towards repairing any damage done.

8. Commitment to the Club

  • Always act in the best interests of the club and its members.
  • Avoid any actions or words that could damage the reputation of the club.


By being a member of the Greytown Football Club Committee, you commit to this code of conduct and the values it promotes. Breaches of this code will be addressed seriously and can lead to corrective actions, including potential removal from the committee.